The MicroCare flat wipes are packaged in a variety
of options. Most are available in a simple, low-cost
plastic bag. Some wipes are double-bagged for clean
room environments. Some are boxed, and one is even
offered in a small plastic “mini-tub” for convenient
cleaning out in the field. Users are invited to select
the size, purity, package and quantity that best fits
their application.
The shelf life for all of these products is unlimited.
Related Products
A wide variety of solvents are available from MicroCare. These are offered in several
varieties. There are water-based and solvent-based options. Most products are
offered in aerosol and bulk packages, and some also are available in pump sprays.
Visit www.MicroCare.com for more details on the solvents and their uses.
MicroCare also offers other varieties of wipes. Two of the most popular choices are
the stencil rolls, used in electronic production, and the presaturated wipes loaded
with one of MicroCare’s four most popular solvents (photo, below).
Product Notes
AVAILABILITY. These products are available from MicroCare distributors world-wide.
Contact your local distributor at www.MicroCare.com for details.
TRADEMARKS. “MicroCare” and the MicroCare logo are registered trademarks
of MicroCare Corp.
DISCLAIMER. The information set forth herein is based on data believed to be
reliable, but MicroCare makes no warranties express or implied as to its accuracy
and assumes no liability arising out of its use by others. This publication is not
to be taken as a license to operate under, nor to infringe upon, any patents not
herein expressly described.
• 36 Standard Choices, and Many
More Custom Configurations
• Rapid Availability Through Hundreds
of Distributors World-Wide
• Highly Economical
• High-Purity Packaging for Clean
Room Environments